It occured to me this morning as I was making my coffee, that it's been 36 weeks and I've barely blogged about this pregnancy! Here is a quick recap of the highs and lows:
6 months of trying - Went to the new OB panic-stricken about possible secondary infertility. It only took 2 months with Cade, wtf ovaries??! She did bloodwork and an ultrasound and, sure enough, there was a ripe egg looking good. Little did I know that egg would soon become my baby!
Day 1 - I took my pregnancy test before we went down to Aggieland for our RV trip to see the Aggies BTHO Nebraska! Just had to know what kind of tailgater I would be that weekend. After 7 months of trying, I finally saw 2 lines! Success!! While Nick was at work Cade and I ran to Gymboree to get a "Big Brother" shirt. We kept it a secret until morning.
Day 2 - While Nick was starting the RV, Cade and I ran into the house for "one last diaper change". I put on his Big Brother shirt and we went down to the RV to surprise Daddy with the news. Our weekend o' fun just got way more fun!! We debated how it was going to play out b/c our friends would know I was pregnant when I was only drinking water, but we wanted to suprise our parents at Thanksgiving later that week. Luckily they promised not to text, talk, or Facebook our secret! The Aggies won, the RV was a blast, and it was fun to get to tell our long-distance friends who showed up in person about the pregnancy!
Thanksgiving - As Nick said the blessing he ended with blessing our soon to be family of four. I guess the fam was deep in prayer, because there was like 1% reaction. Then some awkward nodding on Nick and I's part "Um yeah, so we're pregnant again" then the fam caught on! Aunt Shanon made the first prediction it would be a girl!
2nd Trimester - Some routine bloodwork came back and my OB called me to let me know that I'd been recently exposed to CMV (CytoMegaloVirus). Since I wasn't ill, chances are everything with the baby was going to be okay, but I'd need to see a sonogram specialist ASAP. The grueling MLK weekend loomed, so I spent the next 4 days Googling CMV and becoming horrified at the possible complications: miscarriage, major developmental and immune disorders, stillbirth, children with 2 year life expectancies, the works. It also occured to me since I was at 16 weeks that we could possibly determine the gender at the ultrasound too. Having had two close friends recently experience miscarriages and wondering if I'd get my wish for a girl I was a hot mess.
16-20 weeks - The ultrasounds turned out good, developmental measurements looked normal. We could see in detail the heart, brain, and other organs were developing typically. Thanking God I said one last quick prayer for a girl as the sono specialist peeked between baby's legs and the 3 lines were revealed -- GIRL!!! As we left the office I broke down into sobs in the hallway. Healthy baby girl was more unbelievable than winning the lottery at that moment, and even now I still question our luck. The chances of any child coming into this world as a typically developing healthy human being truly restores my confidence there is a God and He is good.
Week 20 - 25 Name Debate. We love Caitlyn, but "Cade and Cate" just isn't going to happen in this house. On the way to see the latest Reese Witherspoon movie with Mom we play around with names. I love Dylan (the name of my precious first student ever) even femmed up for a girl. And then I play with the name and come up with Devyn. All through the movie I picture a little fairy of a girl named Devyn and fall in love. We get back to the house where my dad is watching Cade. I excitedly tell him I think I've found a name. He asks me "Isn't that a black name?" Umm... it's not exactly LaQuisha, Dad. Thus begins my 5 week waffling. I buy a baby name book, Google every name out there. I consider Olive, Claire, Madelyn, Poppy, every girly (and random)name out there, but keep coming back to Devyn. I even forbid my mom from saying "Devyn" until I am firmly decided. Nick loves the name, his confidence helps me. We decide on Devyn Alexis.
Week 25 - 30 Nesting instinct even more intense this time around. Now that I know maternity leave isn't a bunch of free time to get stuff done around the house I know that each and every closet and drawer and cabinet in the house must be in supreme organization before this baby gets here! The closets have never looked so good. (Most of them.)
Week 32-35 - School's out for the summer!! Time to get cracking on moving the baby furniture to the new nursery and bringing in big boy furniture for Cade. Transition to big boy bed, painting the room, installing new white doors (my belated Christmas present of '09), sorting through old baby clothes....whew!!
Week 36 - Last week I had my final monthly ultrasound. Baby is still a girl and still growing strong. In fact, her estimated current weight is at 6 lbs 6 oz! wtf?? that's a full term baby! I can't be still 4 weeks out. My OB and I talked it over and decided we'd induce at 39 weeks to avoid birthing another 9 lb toddler. We set the date for Wednesday, July 20th! Now I know when to schedule final hair appointments, wax, mani/pedi's to prep for the big day:) Baby Girl, I can't WAIT to meet you!!